![]() |
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Grid DAP Data | Sub- set | Table DAP Data | Make A Graph | W M S | Source Data Files | Title | Sum- mary | FGDC, ISO, Metadata | Back- ground Info | RSS | E | Institution | Dataset ID | ||
set | data | graph | files | CARICOOS in situ Wave Measurements, Rincon, Puerto Rico, 2011-present, Wave Data | ![]() | F I M | background![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
| caricoosWaveRinconWave |
Row Type | Variable Name | Attribute Name | Data Type | Value |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | acknowledgement | String | CDIP is supported by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the California Department of Boating and Waterways (CDBW). The instrument that collected this dataset was funded by USACE/CARICOOS and operated by CARICOOS. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_data_type | String | TimeSeries |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_timeseries_variables | String | metaStationName, latitude, longitude, metaPlatform, metaInstrumentation, metaGridMapping |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | comment | String | Multiple deployments may be included in this dataset. Please refer to the per-deployment datasets - as referenced by sourceFilename and the xxxSourceIndex variables - for more complete metadata. All values are decoded directly from the instruments in accordance with the manufacturers documentation EXCEPT for those with the attribute :additional_processing which describes further data handling performed by CDIP. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | contributor_name | String | CARICOOS, CARICOOS/USACE, CDIP |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | contributor_role | String | station operation, station funding, data management |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Conventions | String | ACDD-1.3, CF-1.6, COARDS |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_country | String | USA |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_email | String | www at cdip.ucsd.edu |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_institution | String | Scripps UC San Diego |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_name | String | Coastal Data Information Program, SIO/UCSD |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_sector | String | academic |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_type | String | institution |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_url | String | http://cdip.ucsd.edu![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_created | String | 2024-06-24T16:05:54Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_issued | String | 2024-06-24T16:05:54Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_modified | String | 2024-06-24T16:05:54Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | defaultGraphQuery | String | time,waveHs&time>=max(time)-7days&time<=max(time)&.draw=lines |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Easternmost_Easting | double | -67.27988 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | featureType | String | TimeSeries |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_max | double | 18.37639 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_min | double | 18.37639 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_resolution | float | 1.0E-4 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_units | String | degrees_north |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_max | double | -67.27988 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_min | double | -67.27988 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_resolution | float | 1.0E-4 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_units | String | degrees_east |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_origin | String | sea surface |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_positive | String | up |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_resolution | float | 1.0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_vertical_units | String | meters |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | gts_ingets | String | true |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | history | String | 2024-06-24T16:05:54Z: dataset created; user, program, arguments: uproc, wnc_aggregate_hist v1.0, 181p1 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | id | String | CDIP_181p1_20110429-20240621_historic |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | infoUrl | String | http://cdip.ucsd.edu/metadata/181p1![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | institution | String | Scripps, University of California San Diego |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | instrument | String | metaInstrumentation |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords | String | atlantic ocean, attributes, average, band, bandwidth, buoy, california, center, centered, check, coefficient, collected, cosine, data, datawell, declination, density, depth, diego, direction, directional, earth, earth science, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Significant Wave Height, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Frequency, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Period, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Spectra, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Speed/Direction, ellipticity, energy, factor, file, first, flag, fourier, frequency, gravity waves, grid, height, hydrology, identifier, index, institution, instrumentation, inverse, latitude, located, longitude, magnetic, mapping, mark, maximum, mean, measurements, meta, metaDeclination, metaGridMapping, metaInstrumentation, metaPlatform, metaStationName, moment, name, near, north atlantic ocean, ocean, ocean temperature, ocean waves, oceanography, oceans, peak, period, physical, physical oceanography, platform, platform_id, power, primary, puerto, quality, rico, rincon, san, science, scripps, sea, sea surface temperature, sea_surface_wave_from_direction, sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment, sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum, sea_surface_wave_significant_height, sea_surface_wave_to_direction, sea_surface_wave_variance_spectral_density, sea_surface_wave_zero_upcrossing_period, secondary, significant, significant wave height, sine, situ, source, spectra, spectral, speed, spread, sst, station, statistics, surface, surface waves, temperature, time, university, upcross, upcrossing, variance, water temperature, wave, wave frequency, wave period, wave spectra, wave_frequency, waveA1Value, waveA2Value, waveB1Value, waveB2Value, waveBandwidth, waveCheckFactor, waveDp, waveEnergyDensity, waveFlagPrimary, waveFlagSecondary, wavefrequency, waveFrequencyFlagPrimary, waveFrequencyFlagSecondary, waveHs, waveM2Value, waveMeanDirection, waveN2Value, wavePeakPSD, waves, waveSourceIndex, waveSpread, waveTa, waveTp, waveTz, wind waves, zero, zero-upcross |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords_vocabulary | String | GCMD Science Keywords |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | license | String | These data may be redistributed and used without restriction. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | metadata_link | String | http://cdip.ucsd.edu/metadata/181p1![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | naming_authority | String | edu.ucsd.cdip |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Northernmost_Northing | double | 18.37639 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | platform | String | wave_buoy |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | platform_id | String | 181p1 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | platform_name | String | Waverider Rincon Wave Buoy |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | platform_vocabulary | String | https://mmisw.org/ont/ioos/platform/![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | processing_level | String | QA/QC information available at http://cdip.ucsd.edu/documentation |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | project | String | Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_country | String | USA |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_email | String | www at cdip.ucsd.edu |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_institution | String | Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_name | String | Coastal Data Information Program, SIO/UCSD |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_type | String | institution |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_url | String | http://cdip.ucsd.edu![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | references | String | http://cdip.ucsd.edu/documentation![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | source | String | insitu observations |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | sourceUrl | String | (local files) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Southernmost_Northing | double | 18.37639 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | standard_name_vocabulary | String | CF Standard Name Table v29 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | subsetVariables | String | metaStationName, latitude, longitude, metaPlatform, metaInstrumentation, metaGridMapping, waveFlagPrimary, waveFlagSecondary |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | summary | String | Directional wave and sea surface temperature measurements collected in situ by Datawell Waverider buoys located near RINCON, PUERTO RICO from 2011/04/29 to 2024/06/21. This dataset includes publicly-released data only, excluding all records flagged bad by quality control procedures. A total of 206908 wave samples were analyzed for this area, where the water depth is approximately 33 meters. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | testOutOfDate | String | now-1day |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_duration | String | P0686W0DT04H |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_end | String | 2025-02-15T07:30:00Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_resolution | String | PT30M |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_start | String | 2011-04-29T14:06:07Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | title | String | CARICOOS in situ Wave Measurements, Rincon, Puerto Rico, 2011-present, Wave Data |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Westernmost_Easting | double | -67.27988 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | wmo_platform_code | String | 41115 |
variable | metaStationName | String | ||
attribute | metaStationName | cf_role | String | timeseries_id |
attribute | metaStationName | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | metaStationName | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | metaStationName | long_name | String | Meta Station Name |
variable | latitude | float | ||
attribute | latitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lat |
attribute | latitude | actual_range | float | 18.37639, 18.37639 |
attribute | latitude | axis | String | Y |
attribute | latitude | colorBarMaximum | double | 90.0 |
attribute | latitude | colorBarMinimum | double | -90.0 |
attribute | latitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | latitude | long_name | String | Station Average Latitude |
attribute | latitude | standard_name | String | latitude |
attribute | latitude | units | String | degrees_north |
variable | longitude | float | ||
attribute | longitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lon |
attribute | longitude | actual_range | float | -67.27988, -67.27988 |
attribute | longitude | axis | String | X |
attribute | longitude | colorBarMaximum | double | 180.0 |
attribute | longitude | colorBarMinimum | double | -180.0 |
attribute | longitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | longitude | long_name | String | Station Average Longitude |
attribute | longitude | standard_name | String | longitude |
attribute | longitude | units | String | degrees_east |
variable | metaPlatform | char | ||
attribute | metaPlatform | actual_range | char | _, _ |
attribute | metaPlatform | documentation_url | String | http://datawell.nl![]() |
attribute | metaPlatform | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | metaPlatform | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | metaPlatform | long_name | String | Platform Attributes |
attribute | metaPlatform | make_model | String | Multiple sensors possibly used. Please refer to per-deployment datasets. |
attribute | metaPlatform | mooring | String | Datawell-compliant |
variable | metaInstrumentation | char | ||
attribute | metaInstrumentation | actual_range | char | _, _ |
attribute | metaInstrumentation | documentation_url | String | http://datawell.nl![]() |
attribute | metaInstrumentation | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | metaInstrumentation | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | metaInstrumentation | long_name | String | Instrumentation Attributes |
attribute | metaInstrumentation | make_model | String | Multiple sensors possibly used. Please refer to per-deployment datasets. |
attribute | metaInstrumentation | mooring | String | Datawell-compliant |
variable | metaGridMapping | char | ||
attribute | metaGridMapping | actual_range | char | _, _ |
attribute | metaGridMapping | coverage_content_type | String | referenceInformation |
attribute | metaGridMapping | grid_mapping_name | String | latitude_longitude |
attribute | metaGridMapping | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | metaGridMapping | inverse_flattening | double | 298.257223563 |
attribute | metaGridMapping | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | metaGridMapping | long_name | String | Meta Grid Mapping |
attribute | metaGridMapping | longitude_of_prime_meridian | float | 0.0 |
attribute | metaGridMapping | semi_major_axis | double | 6378137.0 |
variable | time | double | ||
attribute | time | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Time |
attribute | time | actual_range | double | 1.304085967E9, 1.7396046E9 |
attribute | time | axis | String | T |
attribute | time | calendar | String | standard |
attribute | time | comment | String | Spectral processing performed on 1600-second samples specified by waveTimeBounds. |
attribute | time | coverage_content_type | String | coordinate |
attribute | time | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | time | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | time | long_name | String | UTC sample start time |
attribute | time | source_name | String | waveTime |
attribute | time | standard_name | String | time |
attribute | time | time_origin | String | 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 |
attribute | time | units | String | seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
variable | waveFlagPrimary | byte | ||
attribute | waveFlagPrimary | _FillValue | byte | -127 |
attribute | waveFlagPrimary | actual_range | byte | 1, 1 |
attribute | waveFlagPrimary | ancillary_variables | String | waveFlagSecondary |
attribute | waveFlagPrimary | colorBarMaximum | double | 10.0 |
attribute | waveFlagPrimary | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | waveFlagPrimary | coverage_content_type | String | qualityInformation |
attribute | waveFlagPrimary | flag_meanings | String | good not_evaluated questionable bad missing |
attribute | waveFlagPrimary | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | waveFlagPrimary | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | waveFlagPrimary | ioos_category | String | Quality |
attribute | waveFlagPrimary | long_name | String | primary wave QC flag |
attribute | waveFlagPrimary | references | String | Ocean Data Standards, UNESCO 2013 - IOC Manuals and Guides, 54, Volume 3 Version 1 |
attribute | waveFlagPrimary | standard_name | String | status_flag |
attribute | waveFlagPrimary | valid_max | byte | 9 |
attribute | waveFlagPrimary | valid_min | byte | 1 |
variable | waveFlagSecondary | byte | ||
attribute | waveFlagSecondary | _FillValue | byte | -127 |
attribute | waveFlagSecondary | actual_range | byte | 0, 0 |
attribute | waveFlagSecondary | colorBarMaximum | double | 15.0 |
attribute | waveFlagSecondary | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | waveFlagSecondary | coverage_content_type | String | qualityInformation |
attribute | waveFlagSecondary | flag_meanings | String | unspecified sensor_issues Hs_out_of_range Tp_out_of_range Ta_out_of_range elevated_check_factors Hs_spike Ta_spike low_freq_energy_spike excessive_low_freq_energy hf_transmission_errors_fixed hf_transmission_errors_present directional_coeffs_out_of_range incomplete_spectrum spectrum_layout_modified too_few_segments inclination_off max_energy_at_highest_freq freq_over_hull_response_limit |
attribute | waveFlagSecondary | flag_values | byte | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 |
attribute | waveFlagSecondary | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | waveFlagSecondary | ioos_category | String | Quality |
attribute | waveFlagSecondary | long_name | String | secondary wave QC flag |
attribute | waveFlagSecondary | references | String | http://cdip.ucsd.edu/documentation![]() |
attribute | waveFlagSecondary | valid_max | byte | 18 |
attribute | waveFlagSecondary | valid_min | byte | 0 |
variable | waveHs | float | ||
attribute | waveHs | _FillValue | float | -999.99 |
attribute | waveHs | actual_range | float | 0.23, 7.42 |
attribute | waveHs | ancillary_variables | String | waveFlagPrimary waveFlagSecondary |
attribute | waveHs | colorBarMaximum | double | 10.0 |
attribute | waveHs | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | waveHs | grid_mapping | String | metaGridMapping |
attribute | waveHs | gts_ingest | String | true |
attribute | waveHs | ioos_category | String | Surface Waves |
attribute | waveHs | long_name | String | significant wave height |
attribute | waveHs | ncei_name | String | WAVE HEIGHT - SIGNIFICANT |
attribute | waveHs | standard_name | String | sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
attribute | waveHs | units | String | meter |
attribute | waveHs | valid_max | float | 20.0 |
attribute | waveHs | valid_min | float | 0.0 |
variable | waveTp | float | ||
attribute | waveTp | _FillValue | float | -999.99 |
attribute | waveTp | actual_range | float | 2.272727, 20.0 |
attribute | waveTp | ancillary_variables | String | waveFlagPrimary waveFlagSecondary |
attribute | waveTp | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | waveTp | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | waveTp | grid_mapping | String | metaGridMapping |
attribute | waveTp | gts_ingest | String | true |
attribute | waveTp | ioos_category | String | Statistics |
attribute | waveTp | long_name | String | peak wave period |
attribute | waveTp | ncei_name | String | WAVE - PEAK PERIOD |
attribute | waveTp | standard_name | String | sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum |
attribute | waveTp | units | String | second |
attribute | waveTp | valid_max | float | 40.0 |
attribute | waveTp | valid_min | float | 0.0 |
variable | waveTa | float | ||
attribute | waveTa | _FillValue | float | -999.99 |
attribute | waveTa | actual_range | float | 2.815158, 13.00609 |
attribute | waveTa | additional_processing | String | Calculated from the full-spectrum, buoy-returned energy density values. |
attribute | waveTa | ancillary_variables | String | waveFlagPrimary waveFlagSecondary |
attribute | waveTa | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | waveTa | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | waveTa | grid_mapping | String | metaGridMapping |
attribute | waveTa | gts_ingest | String | true |
attribute | waveTa | ioos_category | String | Statistics |
attribute | waveTa | long_name | String | average wave period |
attribute | waveTa | ncei_name | String | WAVE PERIOD - AVERAGE |
attribute | waveTa | standard_name | String | sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment |
attribute | waveTa | units | String | second |
attribute | waveTa | valid_max | float | 40.0 |
attribute | waveTa | valid_min | float | 0.0 |
variable | waveDp | float | ||
attribute | waveDp | _FillValue | float | -999.99 |
attribute | waveDp | actual_range | float | 0.65625, 359.6563 |
attribute | waveDp | additional_processing | String | Magnetic declination - INT(metaDeclination) - added to buoy-returned direction to shift to degrees true. |
attribute | waveDp | ancillary_variables | String | waveFlagPrimary waveFlagSecondary |
attribute | waveDp | colorBarMaximum | double | 360.0 |
attribute | waveDp | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | waveDp | grid_mapping | String | metaGridMapping |
attribute | waveDp | gts_ingest | String | true |
attribute | waveDp | ioos_category | String | Surface Waves |
attribute | waveDp | long_name | String | peak wave direction |
attribute | waveDp | ncei_name | String | WAVE DIRECTION |
attribute | waveDp | standard_name | String | sea_surface_wave_from_direction |
attribute | waveDp | units | String | degreeT |
attribute | waveDp | valid_max | float | 360.0 |
attribute | waveDp | valid_min | float | 0.0 |
variable | wavePeakPSD | float | ||
attribute | wavePeakPSD | _FillValue | float | -999.99 |
attribute | wavePeakPSD | actual_range | float | 0.02264521, 107.468 |
attribute | wavePeakPSD | ancillary_variables | String | waveFlagPrimary waveFlagSecondary |
attribute | wavePeakPSD | colorBarMaximum | double | 6000.0 |
attribute | wavePeakPSD | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | wavePeakPSD | grid_mapping | String | metaGridMapping |
attribute | wavePeakPSD | gts_ingest | String | true |
attribute | wavePeakPSD | ioos_category | String | Physical Oceanography |
attribute | wavePeakPSD | long_name | String | peak wave power spectral density |
attribute | wavePeakPSD | units | String | m*m/hertz |
attribute | wavePeakPSD | valid_max | float | 5000.0 |
attribute | wavePeakPSD | valid_min | float | 0.0 |
variable | waveTz | float | ||
attribute | waveTz | _FillValue | float | -999.99 |
attribute | waveTz | actual_range | float | 2.666667, 12.12121 |
attribute | waveTz | ancillary_variables | String | waveFlagPrimary waveFlagSecondary |
attribute | waveTz | colorBarMaximum | double | 20.0 |
attribute | waveTz | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | waveTz | grid_mapping | String | metaGridMapping |
attribute | waveTz | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | waveTz | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | waveTz | long_name | String | spectral zero-upcross wave period |
attribute | waveTz | standard_name | String | sea_surface_wave_zero_upcrossing_period |
attribute | waveTz | units | String | second |
attribute | waveTz | valid_max | float | 40.0 |
attribute | waveTz | valid_min | float | 0.0 |
variable | waveSourceIndex | int | ||
attribute | waveSourceIndex | _FillValue | int | -99999 |
attribute | waveSourceIndex | actual_range | int | 1, 8946 |
attribute | waveSourceIndex | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | waveSourceIndex | ioos_category | String | Surface Waves |
attribute | waveSourceIndex | long_name | String | source file index |
variable | waveFrequency | float | ||
attribute | waveFrequency | actual_range | float | 0.025, 0.58 |
attribute | waveFrequency | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | waveFrequency | ioos_category | String | Surface Waves |
attribute | waveFrequency | long_name | String | band center frequency |
attribute | waveFrequency | standard_name | String | wave_frequency |
attribute | waveFrequency | units | String | hertz |
variable | waveFrequencyFlagPrimary | byte | ||
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagPrimary | _FillValue | byte | -127 |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagPrimary | actual_range | byte | 1, 4 |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagPrimary | ancillary_variables | String | waveFrequencyFlagSecondary |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagPrimary | colorBarMaximum | double | 10.0 |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagPrimary | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagPrimary | coverage_content_type | String | qualityInformation |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagPrimary | flag_meanings | String | good not_evaluated questionable bad missing |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagPrimary | flag_values | byte | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagPrimary | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagPrimary | ioos_category | String | Quality |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagPrimary | long_name | String | primary waveFrequency QC flag |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagPrimary | references | String | Ocean Data Standards, UNESCO 2013 - IOC Manuals and Guides, 54, Volume 3 Version 1 |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagPrimary | standard_name | String | status_flag |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagPrimary | valid_max | byte | 9 |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagPrimary | valid_min | byte | 1 |
variable | waveFrequencyFlagSecondary | byte | ||
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagSecondary | _FillValue | byte | -127 |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagSecondary | actual_range | byte | 0, 1 |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagSecondary | colorBarMaximum | double | 1.5 |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagSecondary | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagSecondary | coverage_content_type | String | qualityInformation |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagSecondary | flag_meanings | String | unspecified out_of_range above_hull_response_limit |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagSecondary | flag_values | byte | 0, 1, 2 |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagSecondary | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagSecondary | ioos_category | String | Quality |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagSecondary | long_name | String | secondary waveFrequency QC flag |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagSecondary | references | String | http://cdip.ucsd.edu/documentation![]() |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagSecondary | valid_max | byte | 2 |
attribute | waveFrequencyFlagSecondary | valid_min | byte | 0 |
variable | waveBandwidth | float | ||
attribute | waveBandwidth | _FillValue | float | -999.99 |
attribute | waveBandwidth | actual_range | float | 0.005, 0.01 |
attribute | waveBandwidth | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | waveBandwidth | ioos_category | String | Surface Waves |
attribute | waveBandwidth | long_name | String | bandwidth |
attribute | waveBandwidth | ncei_name | String | WAVE ENERGY - WIDTH OF SPECTRAL BANDS |
attribute | waveBandwidth | units | String | hertz |
variable | waveEnergyDensity | float | ||
attribute | waveEnergyDensity | _FillValue | float | -999.99 |
attribute | waveEnergyDensity | actual_range | float | 5.698992E-7, 107.468 |
attribute | waveEnergyDensity | ancillary_variables | String | waveFlagPrimary waveFrequencyFlagPrimary waveFlagSecondary waveFrequencyFlagSecondary |
attribute | waveEnergyDensity | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | waveEnergyDensity | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | waveEnergyDensity | grid_mapping | String | metaGridMapping |
attribute | waveEnergyDensity | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | waveEnergyDensity | ioos_category | String | Statistics |
attribute | waveEnergyDensity | long_name | String | band energy density |
attribute | waveEnergyDensity | ncei_name | String | WAVE ENERGY - SPECTRAL VALUE |
attribute | waveEnergyDensity | standard_name | String | sea_surface_wave_variance_spectral_density |
attribute | waveEnergyDensity | units | String | meter^2 second |
attribute | waveEnergyDensity | valid_min | float | 0.0 |
variable | waveMeanDirection | float | ||
attribute | waveMeanDirection | _FillValue | float | -999.99 |
attribute | waveMeanDirection | actual_range | float | 0.65625, 359.6563 |
attribute | waveMeanDirection | additional_processing | String | Magnetic declination (metaDeclination) added to buoy-returned direction to shift to degrees true. |
attribute | waveMeanDirection | ancillary_variables | String | waveFlagPrimary waveFrequencyFlagPrimary waveFlagSecondary waveFrequencyFlagSecondary |
attribute | waveMeanDirection | colorBarMaximum | double | 360.0 |
attribute | waveMeanDirection | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | waveMeanDirection | grid_mapping | String | metaGridMapping |
attribute | waveMeanDirection | gts_ingest | String | true |
attribute | waveMeanDirection | ioos_category | String | Surface Waves |
attribute | waveMeanDirection | long_name | String | band mean direction |
attribute | waveMeanDirection | ncei_name | String | WAVE DIRECTION - AVERAGE |
attribute | waveMeanDirection | standard_name | String | sea_surface_wave_from_direction |
attribute | waveMeanDirection | units | String | degreeT |
attribute | waveMeanDirection | valid_max | float | 360.0 |
attribute | waveMeanDirection | valid_min | float | 0.0 |
variable | waveA1Value | float | ||
attribute | waveA1Value | _FillValue | float | -999.99 |
attribute | waveA1Value | actual_range | float | -0.9791324, 0.9899535 |
attribute | waveA1Value | additional_processing | String | Calculated relative to true north from the buoy-returned mean dir, spread, m2, and n2. |
attribute | waveA1Value | ancillary_variables | String | waveFlagPrimary waveFrequencyFlagPrimary waveFlagSecondary waveFrequencyFlagSecondary |
attribute | waveA1Value | colorBarMaximum | double | 1.5 |
attribute | waveA1Value | colorBarMinimum | double | -1.5 |
attribute | waveA1Value | grid_mapping | String | metaGridMapping |
attribute | waveA1Value | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | waveA1Value | ioos_category | String | Surface Waves |
attribute | waveA1Value | long_name | String | band a1 Fourier coefficient |
attribute | waveA1Value | ncei_name | String | WAVE DATA - ANGULAR FOURIER COEFFICIENTS |
attribute | waveA1Value | valid_max | float | 1.0 |
attribute | waveA1Value | valid_min | float | -1.0 |
variable | waveB1Value | float | ||
attribute | waveB1Value | _FillValue | float | -999.99 |
attribute | waveB1Value | actual_range | float | -0.9359151, 0.951157 |
attribute | waveB1Value | additional_processing | String | Calculated relative to true north from the buoy-returned mean dir, spread, m2, and n2. |
attribute | waveB1Value | ancillary_variables | String | waveFlagPrimary waveFrequencyFlagPrimary waveFlagSecondary waveFrequencyFlagSecondary |
attribute | waveB1Value | colorBarMaximum | double | 1.5 |
attribute | waveB1Value | colorBarMinimum | double | -1.5 |
attribute | waveB1Value | grid_mapping | String | metaGridMapping |
attribute | waveB1Value | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | waveB1Value | ioos_category | String | Surface Waves |
attribute | waveB1Value | long_name | String | band b1 Fourier coefficient |
attribute | waveB1Value | ncei_name | String | WAVE DATA - ANGULAR FOURIER COEFFICIENTS |
attribute | waveB1Value | valid_max | float | 1.0 |
attribute | waveB1Value | valid_min | float | -1.0 |
variable | waveA2Value | float | ||
attribute | waveA2Value | _FillValue | float | -999.99 |
attribute | waveA2Value | actual_range | float | -0.9988662, 0.9943066 |
attribute | waveA2Value | additional_processing | String | Calculated relative to true north from the buoy-returned mean dir, spread, m2, and n2. |
attribute | waveA2Value | ancillary_variables | String | waveFlagPrimary waveFrequencyFlagPrimary waveFlagSecondary waveFrequencyFlagSecondary |
attribute | waveA2Value | colorBarMaximum | double | 1.5 |
attribute | waveA2Value | colorBarMinimum | double | -1.5 |
attribute | waveA2Value | grid_mapping | String | metaGridMapping |
attribute | waveA2Value | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | waveA2Value | ioos_category | String | Surface Waves |
attribute | waveA2Value | long_name | String | band a2 Fourier coefficient |
attribute | waveA2Value | ncei_name | String | WAVE DATA - ANGULAR FOURIER COEFFICIENTS |
attribute | waveA2Value | valid_max | float | 1.0 |
attribute | waveA2Value | valid_min | float | -1.0 |
variable | waveB2Value | float | ||
attribute | waveB2Value | _FillValue | float | -999.99 |
attribute | waveB2Value | actual_range | float | -0.9943323, 0.9764546 |
attribute | waveB2Value | additional_processing | String | Calculated relative to true north from the buoy-returned mean dir, spread, m2, and n2. |
attribute | waveB2Value | ancillary_variables | String | waveFlagPrimary waveFrequencyFlagPrimary waveFlagSecondary waveFrequencyFlagSecondary |
attribute | waveB2Value | colorBarMaximum | double | 1.5 |
attribute | waveB2Value | colorBarMinimum | double | -1.5 |
attribute | waveB2Value | grid_mapping | String | metaGridMapping |
attribute | waveB2Value | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | waveB2Value | ioos_category | String | Surface Waves |
attribute | waveB2Value | long_name | String | band b2 Fourier coefficient |
attribute | waveB2Value | ncei_name | String | WAVE DATA - ANGULAR FOURIER COEFFICIENTS |
attribute | waveB2Value | valid_max | float | 1.0 |
attribute | waveB2Value | valid_min | float | -1.0 |
variable | waveCheckFactor | float | ||
attribute | waveCheckFactor | _FillValue | float | -999.99 |
attribute | waveCheckFactor | actual_range | float | 0.3, 2.55 |
attribute | waveCheckFactor | ancillary_variables | String | waveFlagPrimary waveFrequencyFlagPrimary waveFlagSecondary waveFrequencyFlagSecondary |
attribute | waveCheckFactor | colorBarMaximum | double | 3.0 |
attribute | waveCheckFactor | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | waveCheckFactor | grid_mapping | String | metaGridMapping |
attribute | waveCheckFactor | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | waveCheckFactor | ioos_category | String | Surface Waves |
attribute | waveCheckFactor | long_name | String | band check factor (inverse of wave ellipticity) |
attribute | waveCheckFactor | valid_max | float | 2.55 |
attribute | waveCheckFactor | valid_min | float | 0.0 |
variable | waveSpread | float | ||
attribute | waveSpread | _FillValue | float | -999.99 |
attribute | waveSpread | actual_range | float | 7.049706, 81.01566 |
attribute | waveSpread | ancillary_variables | String | waveFlagPrimary waveFrequencyFlagPrimary waveFlagSecondary waveFrequencyFlagSecondary |
attribute | waveSpread | colorBarMaximum | double | 360.0 |
attribute | waveSpread | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | waveSpread | grid_mapping | String | metaGridMapping |
attribute | waveSpread | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | waveSpread | ioos_category | String | Surface Waves |
attribute | waveSpread | long_name | String | band directional spread |
attribute | waveSpread | standard_name | String | sea_surface_wave_to_direction |
attribute | waveSpread | units | String | degree |
attribute | waveSpread | valid_max | float | 90.0 |
attribute | waveSpread | valid_min | float | 0.0 |
variable | waveM2Value | float | ||
attribute | waveM2Value | _FillValue | float | -999.99 |
attribute | waveM2Value | actual_range | float | -0.9902344, 0.9980469 |
attribute | waveM2Value | ancillary_variables | String | waveFlagPrimary waveFrequencyFlagPrimary waveFlagSecondary waveFrequencyFlagSecondary |
attribute | waveM2Value | colorBarMaximum | double | 1.5 |
attribute | waveM2Value | colorBarMinimum | double | -1.5 |
attribute | waveM2Value | grid_mapping | String | metaGridMapping |
attribute | waveM2Value | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | waveM2Value | ioos_category | String | Surface Waves |
attribute | waveM2Value | long_name | String | band centered sine Fourier coefficient |
attribute | waveM2Value | valid_max | float | 1.0 |
attribute | waveM2Value | valid_min | float | -1.0 |
variable | waveN2Value | float | ||
attribute | waveN2Value | _FillValue | float | -999.99 |
attribute | waveN2Value | actual_range | float | -0.9902344, 0.9902344 |
attribute | waveN2Value | ancillary_variables | String | waveFlagPrimary waveFrequencyFlagPrimary waveFlagSecondary waveFrequencyFlagSecondary |
attribute | waveN2Value | colorBarMaximum | double | 1.5 |
attribute | waveN2Value | colorBarMinimum | double | -1.5 |
attribute | waveN2Value | grid_mapping | String | metaGridMapping |
attribute | waveN2Value | gts_ingest | String | false |
attribute | waveN2Value | ioos_category | String | Surface Waves |
attribute | waveN2Value | long_name | String | band centered cosine Fourier coefficient |
attribute | waveN2Value | valid_max | float | 1.0 |
attribute | waveN2Value | valid_min | float | -1.0 |
The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.