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ERDDAP > Out-Of-Date Datasets

The outOfDate index is a simplistic measure of how out-of-date a dataset is: <0: unexpectedly from the future(!), <1: up-to-date, >=1: out-of-date, >=2: very out-of-date. For out-of-date datasets, there is presumably a problem with the data source, so ERDDAP is unable to access data from more recent time points.

36 matching datasets. This web page was generated at 2025-01-18T07:56:07Z .

outOfDate testOutOfDate maxTime datasetID title
███ 276.91415 now-1day 2024-04-16T10:00:00Z Arecibo_WaveRider CARICOOS Wave Buoy (Arecibo, PR): 2022-present, Wave Data
███ 114.70573 now-1day 2024-09-25T15:00:00Z Mean_04e5_40e7_ed1d High Frequency (HF) Radar (Mean) Wave Data for Fajardo Station
███ 114.70573 now-1day 2024-09-25T15:00:00Z Radial_76a9_c913_9300 High Frequency (HF) Radar (Radial) Wave Data for Fajardo Station
███ 53.830685 now-1day 2024-11-25T12:00:00Z waves_f525_8f7b_fd9c CARICOOS Buoy PR1 (Ponce, PR): Historical Wave Data
███ 34.62367 now-2days 2024-11-10T02:00:00Z Radial_d47f_bb7f_4559 High Frequency (HF) Radar (Radial) Wave Data for San Juan Station
███ 1.8306487 now-1day 2025-01-16T12:00:00Z ocean_0001m_624f_1da9_aae2 CARICOOS Buoy PR1 (Ponce, PR): Historical Ocean Data at 1m depth
███ 1.3881356 now-22days 2024-12-18T19:00:00Z ocean_0001m_0e05_2b57_4363 CARICOOS Buoy PR3 (Vieques, PR): Historical Ocean Data at 1m depth
███ 1.1653241 now+4days 2025-01-22T00:00:00Z caricoos_dm3_d848_78a5_baa6 SWAN model simulation (1 km) for Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, 2012-present
███ 0.9153241 now+132hours 2025-01-24T00:00:00Z caricoos_dm3_133b_1534_33ca RTOFS Forecast, 2D, 3-Hourly Prognostic, Global, Latest Model Run, near Real-time
███ 0.31451643 now-9days 2025-01-15T12:00:00Z Historical_257a_2af8_9075 SWAN Nearshore High-Resolution Model (180 meters) for St. Croix Island
███ 0.31451643 now-9days 2025-01-15T12:00:00Z Historical_7719_73b6_fa7d SWAN Nearshore High-Resolution Model (100 meters) for United States Virgen Islands
███ 0.16612951 now-5days 2025-01-17T12:00:00Z Historical_9810_6460_3129 SWAN Nearshore High-Resolution Model (120 meters) for Puerto Rico and Municipality Islands
███ 0.08321125 now-22days 2025-01-16T12:00:00Z currents_acdp_b2b0_6d9b_663a CARICOOS Buoy PR3 (Vieques, PR): Historical Currents Data, ACDP
███ 0.08321125 now-22days 2025-01-16T12:00:00Z currents_acdp_c7b9_169c_41a7 CARICOOS Buoy PR2 (San Juan, PR): Historical Currents Data, ACDP
███ 0.08321125 now-22days 2025-01-16T12:00:00Z ocean_0001m_209f_2d5a_e56d CARICOOS Buoy PR2 (San Juan, PR): Historical Ocean Data at 1m depth
███ 0.08321125 now-22days 2025-01-16T12:00:00Z waves_16eb_a70a_89a7 CARICOOS Buoy PR2 (San Juan, PR): Historical Wave Data
███ 0.08321125 now-22days 2025-01-16T12:00:00Z waves_4974_141d_cdcc CARICOOS Buoy PR3 (Vieques, PR): Historical Wave Data
███ 0.07627698 now-24days 2025-01-16T12:00:00Z currents_acdp_5627_7c60_d1b9 CARICOOS Buoy VI1 (St.John, USVI): Historical Currents Data, ACDP
███ 0.07627698 now-24days 2025-01-16T12:00:00Z met_7202_bdc1_cae5 CARICOOS Buoy VI1 (St. John, USVI): Historical Meteorological Data
███ 0.07627698 now-24days 2025-01-16T12:00:00Z ocean_0001m_3c99_50e6_8838 CARICOOS Buoy VI1 (St. John, USVI): Historical Ocean Data at 1m depth
███ 0.07627698 now-24days 2025-01-16T12:00:00Z waves_ec52_e655_4dc1 CARICOOS Buoy VI1 (St. John, USVI): Historical Wave Data
███ 0.04939752 now-1day 2025-01-18T06:45:00Z g4429_5e94_4fb9_6cba G4429_ESCUELA MONTESSORI CARICOOS-Gladstone Meteorological Station
███ 0.039650645 now-22days 2025-01-17T11:00:00Z met_c1f5_feed_9cd5 CARICOOS Buoy PR3 (Vieques, PR): Historical Meteorological Data
███ 0.03898085 now-1day 2025-01-18T07:00:00Z CARICOOSRincon_wave CARICOOS Wave Buoy (Rincon, PR): 2011-present, Wave Data
███ 0.03898085 now-1day 2025-01-18T07:00:00Z currents_acdp CARICOOS Buoy PR1 (Ponce, PR): Historical Currents Data, ACDP
███ 0.03898085 now-1day 2025-01-18T07:00:00Z met_184e_17e7_fa3d CARICOOS Buoy PR1 (Ponce, PR): Historical Meteorological Data
███ 0.030180948 now-22days 2025-01-17T16:00:00Z met_d90f_3567_29d2 CARICOOS Buoy PR2 (San Juan, PR): Historical Meteorological Data
███ 0.025566487 now-1day 2025-01-18T07:19:19Z XWTR_21a4_b449_2abf XWTR CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station
███ 0.024756301 now-1day 2025-01-18T07:20:29Z XMCO_15c8_4b89_aef7 XMCO CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station
███ 0.02464056 now-1day 2025-01-18T07:20:39Z XIMG_bc8b_41fb_4ac8 XIMG CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station
███ 0.022429911 now-1day 2025-01-18T07:23:50Z XCRL_5469_4d07_1412 XCRL CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station
███ -0.014046143 now-116days 2025-01-19T23:02:24Z Historical_3D_StructuredGrid_7b83_6c2a_7b7c CARICOOS FVCOM-3D Structured Grid, Best Aggregated
███ -0.083669074 now-8days 2025-01-19T00:00:00Z wrf_nmm_1km_43fd_256b_3260 CARICOOS WRF-NMM 1km, Best Aggregated
███ -0.2715588 now-6days 2025-01-19T23:02:24Z Historical_StructuredGrid_3217_1bd0_2f91 CARICOOS FVCOM-2D Structured Grid, Best Aggregated
███ -0.4173382 now-4days 2025-01-20T00:00:00Z d02_ba4c_60be_110c CARICOOS WRF-NMM 2km, Best Aggregated
███ -1.8346769 now-2days 2025-01-22T00:00:00Z d01_dd52_9841_3fc0 CARICOOS WRF-NMM 6km, Best Aggregated

This web page was generated at 2025-01-18T07:56:07Z .
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ERDDAP, Version 2.18
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