Easier access to scientific data |
Brought to you by NOAA NMFS SWFSC ERD |
Name | Last modified | Size | Description | |
Parent Directory | - | - | ||
Arecibo_WaveRider_fgdc.xml | 17-Jan-2025 15:13 | 39092 | CARICOOS Wave Buoy (Arecibo, PR): 2022-present, Wave Data | |
Arecibo_WaveRiderSst_fgdc.xml | 17-Jan-2025 15:13 | 36576 | CARICOOS Wave Buoy (Arecibo, PR): 2022-present, SST Data | |
caricoos_dm3_133b_1534_33ca_fgdc.xml | 17-Jan-2025 18:28 | 74146 | RTOFS Forecast, 2D, 3-Hourly Prognostic, Global, Latest Model Run, near Real-time | |
caricoos_dm3_d848_78a5_baa6_fgdc.xml | 17-Jan-2025 22:13 | 73072 | SWAN model simulation (1 km) for Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, 2012-present | |
CARICOOSRincon_wave_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:43 | 39389 | CARICOOS Wave Buoy (Rincon, PR): 2011-present, Wave Data | |
caricoosWaveRinconSst_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:13 | 34493 | CARICOOS Wave Buoy (Rincon, PR): 2011-present, SST Data | |
currents_acdp_5627_7c60_d1b9_fgdc.xml | 16-Jan-2025 13:07 | 40419 | CARICOOS Buoy VI1 (St.John, USVI): Historical Currents Data, ACDP | |
currents_acdp_b2b0_6d9b_663a_fgdc.xml | 16-Jan-2025 13:05 | 40417 | CARICOOS Buoy PR3 (Vieques, PR): Historical Currents Data, ACDP | |
currents_acdp_c7b9_169c_41a7_fgdc.xml | 16-Jan-2025 13:04 | 40439 | CARICOOS Buoy PR2 (San Juan, PR): Historical Currents Data, ACDP | |
currents_acdp_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:04 | 39675 | CARICOOS Buoy PR1 (Ponce, PR): Historical Currents Data, ACDP | |
d01_dd52_9841_3fc0_fgdc.xml | 15-Jan-2025 15:32 | 67623 | CARICOOS WRF-NMM 6km, Best Aggregated | |
d02_ba4c_60be_110c_fgdc.xml | 14-Jan-2025 22:28 | 67628 | CARICOOS WRF-NMM 2km, Best Aggregated | |
e7791_db37_fac4_dcab_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 36831 | E7791-PYC CARICOOS-Gladstone Meteorological Station | |
e7866_1782_0b74_7079_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 36834 | E7866-FCR CARICOOS-Gladstone Meteorological Station | |
e9889_e5ea_1d31_3046_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 36833 | E9889-TPR CARICOOS-Gladstone Meteorological Station | |
f2397_853b_5938_05f1_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 36832 | F2397-IMG CARICOOS-Gladstone Meteorological Station | |
g4429_5e94_4fb9_6cba_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 36929 | G4429_ESCUELA MONTESSORI CARICOOS-Gladstone Meteorological Station | |
Historical_257a_2af8_9075_fgdc.xml | 14-Jan-2025 16:13 | 70381 | SWAN Nearshore High-Resolution Model (180 meters) for St. Croix Island | |
Historical_3D_StructuredGrid_7b83_6c2a_7b7c_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 03:19 | 71152 | CARICOOS FVCOM-3D Structured Grid, Best Aggregated | |
Historical_7719_73b6_fa7d_fgdc.xml | 14-Jan-2025 16:13 | 71463 | SWAN Nearshore High-Resolution Model (100 meters) for United States Virgen Islands | |
Historical_9810_6460_3129_fgdc.xml | 14-Jan-2025 16:13 | 71965 | SWAN Nearshore High-Resolution Model (120 meters) for Puerto Rico and Municipality Islands | |
Historical_a9b5_390b_0381_fgdc.xml | 14-Jan-2025 18:27 | 41712 | CARICOOS Glider - SG678, Historical Data | |
Historical_StructuredGrid_3217_1bd0_2f91_fgdc.xml | 14-Jan-2025 16:13 | 70798 | CARICOOS FVCOM-2D Structured Grid, Best Aggregated | |
imgp4_79b2_4692_3e7f_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 36951 | IMGP4 CARICOOS Meteorological Station | |
ioos_gliders_9e8b_816f_8484_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 06:33 | 38562 | SG678-20240617T1202 | |
Mean_04e5_40e7_ed1d_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:03 | 34498 | High Frequency (HF) Radar (Mean) Wave Data for Fajardo Station | |
MEAN_WAVESO_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:03 | 36778 | High Frequency (HF) Radar (Mean) Wave Data for San Juan Station | |
met_184e_17e7_fa3d_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:04 | 41521 | CARICOOS Buoy PR1 (Ponce, PR): Historical Meteorological Data | |
met_7202_bdc1_cae5_fgdc.xml | 16-Jan-2025 13:06 | 41690 | CARICOOS Buoy VI1 (St. John, USVI): Historical Meteorological Data | |
met_c1f5_feed_9cd5_fgdc.xml | 17-Jan-2025 12:12 | 39148 | CARICOOS Buoy PR3 (Vieques, PR): Historical Meteorological Data | |
met_d90f_3567_29d2_fgdc.xml | 17-Jan-2025 16:49 | 39170 | CARICOOS Buoy PR2 (San Juan, PR): Historical Meteorological Data | |
Meteorology_PR1_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 42509 | CARICOOS Buoy PR1 (Ponce, PR): Real-time Meteorological data | |
ocean_0001m_0e05_2b57_4363_fgdc.xml | 16-Jan-2025 13:05 | 40302 | CARICOOS Buoy PR3 (Vieques, PR): Historical Ocean Data at 1m depth | |
ocean_0001m_209f_2d5a_e56d_fgdc.xml | 16-Jan-2025 13:05 | 40324 | CARICOOS Buoy PR2 (San Juan, PR): Historical Ocean Data at 1m depth | |
ocean_0001m_3c99_50e6_8838_fgdc.xml | 16-Jan-2025 13:07 | 40444 | CARICOOS Buoy VI1 (St. John, USVI): Historical Ocean Data at 1m depth | |
ocean_0001m_624f_1da9_aae2_fgdc.xml | 16-Jan-2025 13:03 | 40310 | CARICOOS Buoy PR1 (Ponce, PR): Historical Ocean Data at 1m depth | |
PR1_doppler_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 39507 | CARICOOS Buoy PR1 (Ponce, PR): Real-time ADCP Currents data | |
PR1_sbe_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 38800 | CARICOOS Buoy PR1 (Ponce, PR): Real-time SBE-CTD data | |
PR1_triaxys_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 40216 | CARICOOS Buoy PR1 (Ponce, PR): Real-time Triaxys-wave data | |
PR2_doppler_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 39508 | CARICOOS Buoy PR2 (San Juan, PR): Real-time ADCP Currents data | |
PR2_met_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 41874 | CARICOOS Buoy PR2 (San Juan, PR): Real-time Meteorological data | |
PR2_sbE_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 38842 | CARICOOS Buoy PR2 (San Juan, PR): Real-time SBE-CTD data | |
PR2_triaxys_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:43 | 40452 | CARICOOS Buoy PR2 (San Juan, PR): Real-time Triaxys-wave data | |
PR3_doppler_b3ca_6da8_3d0e_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 40268 | CARICOOS Buoy PR3 (Vieques, PR): Real-time ADCP Currents data | |
PR3_met_cef1_bff2_f25b_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 42419 | CARICOOS Buoy PR3 (Vieques, PR): Real-time Meteorological data | |
PR3_sbe_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 38811 | CARICOOS Buoy PR3 (Vieques, PR): Real-time SBE-CTD data | |
PR3_waves_3d94_aeda_8139_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 43928 | CARICOOS Buoy PR3 (Vieques, PR): Real-time mstrain-wave data | |
ptrp4_c6ab_61c7_a39a_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 36945 | PTRP4 CARICOOS Meteorological Station | |
Radial_76a9_c913_9300_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:03 | 37785 | High Frequency (HF) Radar (Radial) Wave Data for Fajardo Station | |
Radial_d47f_bb7f_4559_fgdc.xml | 14-Jan-2025 16:13 | 37366 | High Frequency (HF) Radar (Radial) Wave Data for San Juan Station | |
VI1_doppler_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:28 | 40065 | CARICOOS Buoy VI1 (St. John, USVI): Real-time ADCP Currents data | |
VI1_met_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 42395 | CARICOOS Buoy VI1 (St. John, USVI): Real-time Meteorological data | |
VI1_sbe_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 39330 | CARICOOS Buoy VI1 (St. John, USVI): Real-time SBE-CTD data | |
VI1_triaxys_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 44765 | CARICOOS Buoy VI1 (St. John, USVI): Real-time Triaxys-wave data | |
VI2_doppler_36f0_5d1f_762a_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 39777 | CARICOOS VI2 (North of St. Thomas, USVI) Buoy: ADCP Currents data | |
VI2_met_599b_402a_1961_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 40458 | CARICOOS VI2 (North of St. Thomas, USVI) Buoy: meteorological data | |
VI2_waves_1f59_412f_3b40_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 40166 | CARICOOS VI2 (North of St. Thomas, USVI) Buoy: UMaine wave data | |
VI2_wqm_1e83_3b14_057e_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 40336 | CARICOOS VI2 (Northth of St. Thomas, USVI) Buoy: UMaine water quality data | |
VIA_doppler_7454_e002_60ee_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 39991 | CARICOOS VIA (South of St. Thomas, USVI) Buoy: ADCP Currents data | |
VIA_met_596a_fd3e_713e_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 40654 | CARICOOS VIA (South of St. Thomas, USVI) Buoy: meteorological data | |
VIA_waves_3dae_8bcb_1992_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 40376 | CARICOOS VIA (South of St. Thomas, USVI) Buoy: UMaine wave data | |
VIA_wqm_5e00_012a_371c_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 40540 | CARICOOS VIA (South of St. Thomas, USVI) Buoy: UMaine water quality data | |
waves_16eb_a70a_89a7_fgdc.xml | 16-Jan-2025 13:04 | 42282 | CARICOOS Buoy PR2 (San Juan, PR): Historical Wave Data | |
waves_4974_141d_cdcc_fgdc.xml | 16-Jan-2025 13:05 | 42227 | CARICOOS Buoy PR3 (Vieques, PR): Historical Wave Data | |
waves_ec52_e655_4dc1_fgdc.xml | 16-Jan-2025 13:07 | 42402 | CARICOOS Buoy VI1 (St. John, USVI): Historical Wave Data | |
waves_f525_8f7b_fd9c_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:03 | 42269 | CARICOOS Buoy PR1 (Ponce, PR): Historical Wave Data | |
wrf_nmm_1km_43fd_256b_3260_fgdc.xml | 14-Jan-2025 16:13 | 68933 | CARICOOS WRF-NMM 1km, Best Aggregated | |
XAGU_2a95_ca2b_bfdf_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 37006 | XAGU CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |
XAMA_669c_7da2_f8f3_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 37010 | XAMA CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |
XBRO_ec83_4e6f_ea2a_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 36997 | XBRO CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |
XBUK_b2f4_1ffd_7c90_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 36996 | XBUK CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |
XCDP_22e7_d615_9083_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 37010 | XCDP CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |
XCRL_5469_4d07_1412_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 37071 | XCRL CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |
XCRX_f205_f7b9_2a42_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 37058 | XCRX CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |
XCUL_68d1_e815_0145_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 37001 | XCUL CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |
XGUR_e8f3_788d_b2a4_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 37051 | XGUR CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |
XIMG_bc8b_41fb_4ac8_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 37064 | XIMG CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |
XJUA_5f5a_ddbf_f3fb_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 36996 | XJUA CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |
XMCO_15c8_4b89_aef7_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 37358 | XMCO CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |
XMRS_1f50_2bfb_d7a2_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 36999 | XMRS CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |
XREY_0a47_8ef3_45b6_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 37052 | XREY CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |
XRUP_78ae_817a_8a4d_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 36992 | XRUP CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |
XSAV_d7ea_6adb_a750_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 36996 | XSAV CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |
XWGO_e1f5_83f1_4536_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 37001 | XWGO CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |
XWTR_21a4_b449_2abf_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 37168 | XWTR CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |
XYAB_b7ef_3150_d336_fgdc.xml | 18-Jan-2025 07:44 | 37063 | XYAB CARICOOS-WeatherFlow Meteorological Station | |